1.Flow Chart
– Download the right version and language (for example Malawi centers have to download the _Malawi version)
– FC_XXXX_XX_EN.zip for English
– FC_XXXX_XX_EN_Malawi.zip for Malawi
– FC_XXXX_XX_FR.zip for French
– FC_XXXX_XX_FR_Camerun_and_Guinea.zip for Camerun and Guinea Conakry
– FC_XXXX_XX_PT.zip for Portuguese
– And so on …
Identify your SYS_PATH_DOC folder in configuration. If not configured is the right time to do it !
- Be sure the SYS_PATH_FOLDER is a network folder (like: \\yourservername\dream_srv \DOC\ ) and NOT a local folder (like: c:\dream_srv\DOC) or your clients cannot access the flowcharts and attachments. Be sure all the user can read and open files are in this shared folder from their PC.
- UNZIP the file FC_XXXX_XX….. in the SYS_PATH_DOC folder ( \\yourservername\dream_srv \DOC\ in the above sample) add or replace the “comuni” and “Flowchart” folders
2.Configuring FTP Server for auto-update
In this section we will explain how to install and configure a local FTP server to facilitate the DREAM software update on all PCs.
The dream software will first try to update itself by looking for updates in the shared folder on the server, but if this is not reachable, it will try to update itself by trying to contact a local or, ultimately, remote FTP server.
For recent operating systems we recommend Wing FTP Server.
For Windows Server 2003 operating System we recommend Xlight FTP Server or FileZilla Server version 0.9.41 (not greater then 0.9.42 beta !)
The following sections describe how to install and configure these products.
3.Installing Wing FTP Server
Download the setup from: https://www.wftpserver.com/download.htm
Do not install if the operating system is Windows Server 2003 on the server. Consider using other software.
Execute WingFtpServer.exe
Close the admin panel and try that everything works by trying to connect from another pc to the server with an FTP program like FileZilla, using the username you just created. You should be able to access the directory indicated and read its contents without there being any error messages.
4.Installing Xlight FTP Server
If on your server the operating system is Windows Server 2003 you can use Xlight FTP Server.
Download from here : https://www.xlightftpd.com/download.htm
(Setup with installer 32 or 64 depending on the operating system used)
5.Installing FileZilla Server
Please download FileZilla from : https://filezilla-project.org/download.php?show_all=1&type=server
If you want to install on Windows Server 2003 please download the old version 0.9.41 from our FTP server in the utility folder.
Complete the setup with the default options. Start the server and connect to it. Complete the configuration as indicated below by setting the passive ports.
Note that with FileZilla you have to manually open the firewall FTP ports for TCP 21 and a range of ports for PASSIVE FTP.
Note: To create a range of passive ports from 55536 to 55663 on windows server 2003 you can use this script (instead of adding one port at a time by hand (windows 2003 does not allow the creation of a range of ports on the firewall …):
FOR /L %I IN (55536,1,55663) DO netsh firewall add portopening TCP %I “Passive FTP “%I
Create the user dreamuser
Set the password (dream amministratore’s password)
Set the HOME directory and create the virtaul folder /DREAM_CEN and /DREAM_LAB pointing to the c:\dreamupdate\updates\ folder